Tuesday 25 August 2020


What is a Shai? This race of small people is known to very curious, although laid-back, they are also considered to be quite rude according to the written reviews and rumors from RP communities. Hmmmm? Is it true? (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

Fanart for Shai inspired by my friend~ (/◕ヮ◕)/ However, it is rare to see a rude Shai encounter in-game if you'll gonna ask me. Most RP people play Shai as cheerful and sociable beings.

Greed appears to be an uncommon trait. The Shai grow to be about 40 years old, though they stop physically aging after a certain point. 

Their home is the village of Florin in Northern Calpheon. Here are some of the people hanging on Velia, rooftop gang with tons of Shai's!

Shai can be found in all walks of life, from nobility, to farm laborers, to merchants. Here you can see Shai's celebrating their birthday with the free BDO cake~

They seem to be well integrated into society and accepted by the other races. Shai inspired Snow White theme •̀.̫•́✧

Young Shai can be adopted by human families.

In Heidel, it is rumored that Demibeasts are not allowed to have romantic relationships with Shai. 

( ゚д゚) 

However, there is no written record on this, and it is assumed that it was just a way for a womanizing demibeast to excuse his unwillingness to commit and get rid of clingy women. ( ・ั﹏・ั) A power ranger theme with a Shai as yellow ranger~

Know more about lores: Shai


Extra Post: First stop on the secret quest with the Hidden Lion, Jordine Ducas!


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🌹 Ara 🌹

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