Wednesday 26 February 2020

Black Desert Online Screenshot Contest, Goodbyes, Guardian, Arcanis Costume and more!

It's been a hectic month for me in real life, however, my Black Desert Online character is pretty chill just because I am on AFK mode or even offline most of the time nowadays. 😱

Pretty much in love with my Lahn now than my previous templates. My guild is currently doing a lot of GvG and preparing for weekly node wars. I remember how embarrassing it is when I stayed on the fort. I kinda ruined a little. 😭

Getting tired wandering off alone and on my own to be honest. Past few weeks the Guardian is released and I got this template. 🌿

I also got the Witch Arcanis costume at the marketplace. I actually love it, it reminds me of Illezra's costume. Really close design to her outfit. I finished the succession update and I found Illezra at the end of the storyline. 🌹

When someone says goodbye, another door opens. Good luck with school my dear friend! I took some pictures with fun people together with my old bud Mira. We summoned something out of the dust, and oh, did I mention I am also with Tabby! 😉

This one is a little bit on the big side if you know what I mean. So I am trying to take a picture this time with the Guardian and Tamer class but the Guardian is really tall so she needed to bend down in order to capture on the screen camera! 😁

I tried changing my normal appearance into a black-haired creature. I pretty much like it too, to be honest. 🎀

Awesome how Guardian got that skill where she fills in lots of gold all over the place. I FEEL RICH. 🤑

I joined a contest recently at Black Desert SEA, it is about sending SS with a theme. The theme assigned to me is vintage. I had a HARD time trying to pick what ss I will submit but I decided to send this one.😆

To be honest, I have doubts now on my choice haha! I am feeling more on to the other unpicked screenshots. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the session of taking SS for these. 👀

There is a small briefing or taking of group SS even before this contest started. I am kinda late cause of work that day, it is also a Valentine's day as far as I remembered. Here are some shots I took. 🐶

I'm pretty much home sick and literally sick right now because of the ever changing weather. Hope you guys are all in good health! 🌹

💖 Nine 💖

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